Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013

Compiling with scaladoc for stupid people (includes me)

Since I had some problems compiling my documentation with scaladoc, here is a short description of how to use it (in Linux).

A lot of my problems probably arose from the fact that I use the scala Eclipse plugin and never had to compile something more complicated with scalac.

src/ contains the source code files
javacvcppjars/ and breeze/ contains some libraries in .jar form

My call to scaladoc:
scaladoc -d doc -cp javacvcppjars/javacv.jar:javacvcppjars/javacpp.jar:javacvcppjars/javacv-linux-x86_64.jar:javacvcppjars/ffmpeg-1.2-linux-x86_64.jar:javacvcppjars/opencv-2.4.5-linux-x86_64.jar:breeze/breeze-learn-assembly-0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar $(find src/ -name *.scala) 
-d doc ... Tells scaladoc to put the documentation in a new directory named doc

-cp ... Colon separated list of all used libraries

$(find src/ -name *.scala) ... Will be replaced by a white space separated list of all .scala file names in src and all its sub directories. You could also manually list all source code files here separated by a space.

So in the end it is all pretty obvious. If you know how to compile scala or java without an IDE ;)

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